Why Are We Unable to Break Our Old Mental Patterns?

The answer lies within our bodies.

Raji Pillay
Ascent Publication


I was browsing through Amazon, ordering books for myself as a birthday gift. I picked two books suggested by my besties, one of which happened to be Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself.

I am and will always be grateful for that moment.

Reading has been a part of who I am and the books have shaped my perspective about life and the world we inhabit. This book drove home the meaning of “a book can change your life.” I sat my 9-year-old daughter down and explained some concepts from the book. That’s how powerful, elegant, and simple some concepts were.

I could write a short series on everything from the book. Do yourself a favor and read the book.

Wisdom From Dr. Joe Dispenza

“The greatest habit we must break is the habit of being ourselves.” — Joe Dispenza

Thoughts vs. Feelings

Thoughts are associated with the brain and feelings are associated with the body. When a thought enters our mind, our brain starts a chain of processes signaling our body to release chemicals to make us feel the way we are thinking. Every thought has its signature…



Raji Pillay
Ascent Publication

I bring my love for books, coffee, technology and life in general to my writing. Blockchain has caught my fancy and I am exploring it as I write.