Why are you walking around with pebbles in your shoe?

Shawn Kolodny
Ascent Publication
2 min readSep 19, 2017


“Your life will be as successful as the amount of uncomfortable conversations you are willing to have.” — Tim Ferris

What uncomfortable conversation do you need to have? You know the one, that conversation you are avoiding, which keeps you up at night. You can’t concentrate, you get anxiety thinking about it. A talk with a co-worker, or that tough conversation with dad, or perhaps something as simple as talking to a pretty girl (or boy).

These talks are essential, thus your resistance towards having them. Issues, if dealt with, will get you past a block in your life. Bring some closure. The conversations that will make you grow.

Most of us are unaware of the amount of mental energy that we use up avoiding the hard conversations. If you let these issues sit there and fester, stress builds over time, growing. Imagine trying to have a leisurely walk with a pebble in your shoe. Makes it hard to enjoy the scenery. The discomfort every time you take a step. That’s what you want to get rid of

So deal with it, move past the fear. Be prepared for conversations to go poorly, understand the consequences. You need to be honest with yourself about your situation, so you can get the clarity you want, the growth you seek. The more you of these talks you have, the easier they are to find, and to address.

That’s why we call them uncomfortable conversations. They’re tough, but address them and feel better. Even if the results are not what you had hoped, engaging creates clarity, which is freeing in so many ways. Search for the blocks in your life, for the issues that need resolution. What is the pebble in your shoe? Are you going to keep walking around, or just stop and take your shoe off? Get rid of your pebble.

What’s holding you back? What is the talk you need to have? Don’t know how to approach it? Feel free to ask. That’s what the comment section is for.

Shawn Kolodny is an artist, writer (almost), and entrepreneur. You can check out his artwork here.

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