Why I’ve Decided to be (Truly) Single for the First Time in my Adult Life

And what it’s been like so far

The Convoluted Cat
Ascent Publication


Pictures of me with various partners, aged 19–29

A Life of Obsession

I remember the first time I reeeaaally had a crush on someone, in the fourth grade. I discovered that I could spend endless amounts of time entertaining myself by merely thinking of him. What a blissful escape it was from the discomforts of daily life, of being unpopular and having family problems.

Ever since then, romantic entanglements became somewhat of a refuge. Something to use as an escape from the less-than-perfect outside world. And in fact, that in itself is something I didn’t really realize until I became single.

The entirety of my adult life has been spent either in serious, nearly-all-consuming relationships, pursuing people, or evaluating those who were pursuing me. Romantic pursuits have occupied a central place in my mind since I was about 11 years old. Even when I wasn’t dating anyone, I was always chasing someone, obsessing over how I could woo them.

The Perfect Mirror

Until 3 weeks ago, I’d never broken up with a serious partner. I’d cut things off with people before they became too serious, but once I’m in, I’m usually in for good. Even when I shouldn’t be. Even when it’s not been…

