Why My Fear Drives Me
“If It Doesn’t Scare You, You Aren’t Trying Hard Enough”
I feel like I live by this sometimes. Getting uncomfortable, doing things that scare me, trying to conquer the unknown. I wasn’t always like this. I was at one point very shy, timid, let me anxiety control the things I did. So what changed that my life has taken a complete turn? I went skydiving. Seriously.. I went skydiving when I was 19 years old and it changed my entire perspective. Getting all bundled up in the harness and climbing into the plane it was absolutely awesome. I actually had made the decision that I was completely okay, I wasn’t scared of dying, I wasn’t scared of being hurt, I was just happy with life in that moment.
I use this in business on a regular basis. I make decision that aren’t considered safe. I get out of my comfort zone and make some extremely risky decisions. I’ve found so much growth since taking on what people would consider unsafe.
What would fear me before that day when I went skydiving, now drives me to be great. I use my fear as motivation and you should too. You have two decisions to make when you’re faced with fear… You can be rattled and completely shut down OR you can own it, you can use it as fuel to take off and make shit happen. It’s going to be uncomfortable and well scary. It’s worth it for me, Is it worth it for you?
Cole VanDeWoestyne