Why Settle When You Were Destined To Win?

Christopher P. Taylor
Ascent Publication
Published in
4 min readOct 27, 2017

One thing you need to realize is we were all shot out of the womb, to do great things in this big, abundant world.

From the moment your little squiggly, tadpole like form, made it to the egg; you were automatically a winner!

Trillions of your brothers and sisters didn’t make the cut. It was just you that made it to the finish line.

That should count for something.

We all have some kind of hidden talent or gift. We usually never get the chance to find that out, because we are constricted to our jobs and making time for family.

But what about your time? And finding your gift or talent? Why wouldn’t you want to discover such a blessing? Some individuals are good at drawing. Some individuals are good at writing. Some individuals are good at talking, and some are good at running a business… these things are half learned and half built-in.

When you’re interested in learning about a certain subject or how-to — that means somewhere deep down, some of this is already built in your DNA.

If you’re constantly intrigued about business, or reading; you may have being an entrepreneur embedded in your DNA. If you are awe-struck when looking at paintings — you may have painter skills deep down, or an eye for art. If you’re constantly infatuated with the human body — you may have been a stripper in your past life! (That was a joke… HA-HA)? I tend to not get many laughs. Guess I’m just that funny that it goes over peoples heads. (My dog loves it).

Point is; when you’re interested in something — it may be something you should pursue.

You’re Not Tired You’re Unmotivated.

It’s really funny how people say they don’t have time to work on themselves or their future, when they know the latest episodes on FOX, ESPN or Lifetime.

If you don’t help set yourself up… your future will be created by default.

I will bet you $1,000 that your future won’t be as constructed and great as the person who set themselves up on purpose.

Ditch The Television; It Is Meant To Distract You.

Writing everyday has helped me tremendously on finding my passion, gift and talent. I hardly ever watch television anymore. Even football season isn’t as important as my future, right now! (People who know me personally, know that’s a huge deal). I am a fanatic of my beloved Dallas Cowboys, and 2 years ago — I was in front of the TV every Sunday, faithfully. Now? Not so much.

I have my future to build. It’s kind of funny, actually. Since I began my entrepreneurial journey… I now look to be like the football players. They make over a million dollars — playing a game. Even the rookies make about 4 to 6 hundred thousand dollars, annually. (I think anyone would take being a back-up or rookie).

Back to the subject at hand. You have plenty of time to find your talent, make more money, follow your dreams etc…

Thing is, when you get off work, you’re initial action is to plop on the couch, open a bottle of wine or beer — and watch TV because you’ve had a hard day. Well, I don’t want to be a complete jerk; but if you really cared about your future… you’d immediately work on yourself outside of your job. You’d fight for your freedom outside your job. If you knew how god set you up when you were chosen; you’d be doing opposite, everything you are doing now.

Habits Are A Powerful Disease.

Your parents have passed down their habits to you since you were born. Everything you do now… is the same way your parents did it back then. Nothing wrong with following your parents footsteps — just make sure it’s the path YOU CHOSE. Not your parents.

Break the normal paradigm and see yourself for the creator and conqueror you actually are. You don’t have to settle. You can create anything you desire in your life, by realizing that you are greatness and set up to be great.

There are too many rags-to-riches stories for you to not question the road you’re going down, and the emptiness you feel when you go home from work every day. Self-made isn’t necessarily doing everything by yourself…

Self made; means you made a decision to take your future in your own hands — and make the best of this beautiful life we were given.

Not everyone has the opportunity to create their future. These people you will find in the grave yard. They don’t get a second chance at life.

So do something for your future and yourself. Set your kids up for massive wealth… because you were set up that way when you were born.



Christopher P. Taylor
Ascent Publication

Christopher Taylor, is a future billionaire and entrepreneur. He has 3 children, a supportive wife; and is creating his future, day by day. Stay tuned.