Why Tesla Called “3, 6 and 9” the Secret of the Universe

“The book of nature is written in the language of mathematics.”— Galileo

Genius Turner
Ascent Publication


Tesla’s insight into Nature’s algorithm. (image by author, screenshot from Twitter.)

I. A Chance Encounter

A few years back, my roommate Christophe — now at Harvard — invited me to join him at a birthday party.

Within seconds of setting foot in the spacious apartment on Columbia’s campus, it became apparent the room was filled with neuroscience grad students. That is, aside from me and one other fella named Wu.

“Hey Wu,” said Christophe, “this is my roommate, Genius!”

Wu flashed a toothy smile while extending for a handshake. “So Christophe tells me you’re a real-life genius, huh?”

I shrugged. After all, Wu’s snarl suggested he wasn’t buying the claim with my money. I would later come to discover that Wu was on the verge of getting his doctorate in computer science at NYU.

Not one for small talk, Wu could no longer stave off that curiosity which killed the cat and the catechism alike. And so, he let the cat out of the bag.

“Ahem, Genius,” Wu said. “Can you prove the claim of being a polymath?”

“Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence,” I mumbled Sagan’s famed aphorism.



Genius Turner
Ascent Publication

My work’s popular in academia (biology, psychology, logic, etc) + Signed to the same agency as Eckhart Tolle = I’m an ordinary guy serving an extraordinary God.