How to Unleash Your Creative Talent and Win More

An inspiration for creatives everywhere

Jude King, PhD
Ascent Publication


Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

In the last decade, a common complaint about public-funded Medicare in the US is that one-quarter of Medicare spending goes to patients in the last six months of their life.

Politicians and business analysts have pointed out how wasteful this is. Doctors have often taken a differing view.

In his book Better: A Surgeon’s Notes on Performance, surgeon and author Atul Gawande, noted:

“Analysts often note how ridiculous it is that we spend more than a quarter of public healthcare dollars on the last six months of life. Perhaps we could spare this fruitless spending — if only we knew when people’s last six months would be.”

There is a huge lesson in here for creatives everywhere: writers, artists, musicians, movie producers, painters, publishers, designers, programmers, business owners, etc.

So stick with me here…

The Law of the Vital Few

Vilfredo Pareto was a 19th-century Italian sociologist and economist who studied land ownership and the social distribution of wealth. After conducting a study, he found something interesting: over 80% of the land in Italy was owned by less than 20% of the population



Jude King, PhD
Ascent Publication

Research Scientist | Entrepreneur | Teacher | Engineer driven by a deep curiosity about everything.