Why You Should Always Aim To Improve

It can change your life

William Lehutjo
Ascent Publication
2 min readApr 24, 2018


It dawned on me that if I am to achieve my goals and build the future I want, improvement is another element of success that I need to incorporate into my life. If I am not looking to improve in certain areas of my life, I won’t go anywhere.

I will always return to my past. I will always live a mediocre life filled with conformity to the standards set by the economy, government and people who think they know better than others.

Improvement = Growth

If you are always aiming to improve your life, then you are aspiring to grow. The more you work on improving is the more growth you achieve.

Growth is a great asset to success.

It forces you to achieve your goals and aspirations. It compels you to take the necessary steps and make the best out of your life. The more work you do is the more you learn and before you know it you will achieve your goals.

Eager to learn

I am always interested. I want to know why things are the way they are, how things came about and what is it that I need to do to get the results I want.

I always want to learn more about the things that get me closer to achieving my goals. My goals compel me to have priorities each day to get me closer to winning.

My eagerness to learn has been a great asset because I have become inquisitive and genuinely interested and people take notice of that.

You cannot improve if you are stuck in the past. You improve and grow by moving forward. Being focused on what’s ahead rather than what’s behind is what defines success. It comes from taking leaps of faith and leaving what was where it should be to focus on what is and can be.


A great life has many facets to it. There are many ways you can utilize to get better and improve your life.

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William Lehutjo
Ascent Publication

Love discovering new things | Hoping to inspire people to change their mindsets to experience extraordinary success