Why you should start to help yourself rather than wait for others.

Meiling Wu
Ascent Publication
Published in
5 min readOct 16, 2018

Once we step out from the clouds by ourselves, we begin to expect next storm.

I am afraid of lost. It feels like no matter what I am going to do is not right. Making choices freaks me out.

I encounter many kinds of situation that I have to make decisions, and the ways behind the decisions are totally different directions. You will never know what will be looks like if you choose other ways back to old time, and you might never know whether the choice you made is right or wrong.

Running without direction is really hard.

You feels like you are always running within clouds, you know you are running, but you have no idea where you are heading to. so you slow down.

because of fear, the uncertainty of future

And normally, you are even not able to find a people to tell. Since there is no one in this world can share your emotion and somehow help you to get rid of those negative feelings. You might know those are just feelings that surrounding you, not anything else that could not be changed, still you feel meaningless and lonely. Day by Day.

Living with purpose

is one thing that I believe and gives me power. With certain purpose, even only for certain period of time, I can feel the endless energy that come from my heart and be distributed to my whole body. Everyday when I get up, the second when I opened my eyes, my mind will be filled with different things I am going to do today and how these things will help me achieve greater mission.

But believe me, I know when you lose the purpose, the second when you open you eyes, the feeling of fear suddenly appear and rush to engulf you. Facing to life because a even more hard thing to do, and you begin to doubt the reason of exits.

“A blonde woman wearing a black jacket sitting on the curb in Marylebone” by David Preston on Unsplash

Just few days ago, a cohort in my program was missing for four days and no one can find her. Her parents fly form China to US for finding her daughter. After her friends and cohorts spread information on social media, she was been found and send to hospital, luckily. But no one knows why she disappear for few days and what difficulty she is facing, probably she lost her direction for life and feel helpless at that time. She might had no one she can turn to ask for help.

We all encounter different problems along the way we grow up: career, relationship. self-awareness and etc. Each of them is strong enough to destroy us. But we can not just surrender, we know there are more possibilities if we try even one more step forward. At least there are possibilities that we can try.

But only one step forward is never enough, to solve the problem, you must dig deeper into the reason why you lose your direction and what can bring energy back to you.

Mostly the case is people tend to think more than take action.

You don’t know where you should go is because you never really get your feet wet and try to do it. You just sit there, thinking and worrying, this helps you nothing.

I believe you have your reasons about what you should do and what you should not. You are maybe waiting for a certain moment that you suddenly know what you should do in the future. It is not possible, since answers will never come to find you rather you should try and find them. Only the more you try, the better you will know about yourself and the clearer about your direction.

“Wearing a smart watch while swimming underwater.” by Cristian Álvarez on Unsplash

Never let sense of missing out stop you

People might normally want to hold more choices so they will feel good since they have chances to compare those choices and choose the best from them. Actually, it is not easy for you if you have many choices, compare to no choice.

Because no matter which choices you choose, you will have to accept the responsibility for your choices that you will lose consequences that might be bought to you if you choose other choices. So matter how you choose, you must sacrifice something. It is the reason that you begin to procastinate.

Photo by Lê Tân on Unsplash

Things are always have their opposite side, if you look them in a different angle. Rather than only focus on what you are going to lose, think more about what you are goin to gain, because those are the things that you will really be facing in the future, others are only in your thoughts and never exists in your life.

When you keep focusing on things that you are going to gain, the broad become clearer and bypasses will disappear. You will face the only way which is both you want to go and you should go.

Never look back

After you begin the journey with certain direction, You just keep going and never settle. What more important is: Never Look back.

There are definitely many difficulties that you will encounter, many time you might begin to doubt whether your choices were right, what would be if you head to another direction before. You begin to confuse again and you might stop.

Life some times is like a game that already has a destination, though you might been through different routes, you will always back to the route that you originally should be. So no matter which road you choose, you will always back to the track finally. So what you should do is to focus on works that you have in your hand and never look back. Since choices are endless, outside world is always changing, what you can control is only yourself rather than anything else. If you focus on yourself and be present, the skills and experience you gained will make you stronger and prepared you to solve any obstacles you might be facing.That’s the real meaning of grow up.

“A person walking in the desert leaving footprints with cloud in the deserts Algodones Dunes” by Nathan McBride on Unsplash

Face straight of your fears, because what you want is at the other side of fears.

Find more of my stories here !

By the way, 👏🏻 *clap* 👏🏻 your hands (up to 50x) if you enjoyed this post. It encourages me to keep daily writing and help other people finding it :)



Meiling Wu
Ascent Publication

Marketer, Writer, Entrepreneur, MS@NYU, AIESECer, Scholar@Watson Incubation | Data Analytics, Product Management, Marketing | Based in New York & China