Why You — Yes You — Need To Go Launch A Rocket

Before you launch figuratively, do it literally.

Vijoy Rao
Ascent Publication
5 min readSep 6, 2019


Why You — Yes You — Need To Go Launch A Rocket | Magic Room Brand
It’s the little things that can teach you everything you need to know about the big things. | Magic Room Brand

I’m chalking it up to yet another thing I learned about work while not working. That list is getting kind of long and I don’t know what that means just yet.

A few days ago, I launched a rocket. No, it’s not a metaphor for another business I started or whatever. I launched an actual rocket. A model rocket…but yeah, a frickin’ rocket.

After repeated requests from my 8YO son, and repeated promises from me, it was time. We were going to build and launch his model rocket, appropriately names “Rascal.”

It’s been years since I’ve done it and I have to admit that it was exhilarating, satisfying, amazing and now I want to do it all the time. Bigger. Higher.

Let’s do this thing

It was a beginner model — and one that was able to withstand multiple launches — so we were confident. We had everything we needed. Some spare pieces, just in case, and a solid grasp of how this was all going to go down. I flipped through some assembly instructions and yeah…sure…we got this.

Regardless, I made sure to manage expectations. He wanted his little brother to be there (the other was napping) as well as his friend from school, so it was kind of an event. I reminded him that it might not work but hey…that’s science. That’s what happens.

We took a lap of our backyard and felt that we needed more room, so we packed up our stuff and headed to the park. The soccer field there was going to be perfect.

We got there, found a table under a gazebo and immediately made it our mission control. We sat down and started to load in the engines when…yep…I left the assembly instructions at home. Goddammit, you guys.


Think. Think! Figure it out. You have all the pieces and you flipped through the instructions. Ok, I think it was like this…no wait…yeah, it’s supposed to be like this. Yep. That’s looks right.

Time for launch.

We put the platform down in the smack-dab middle of the field. Wired it up. And held the remote button that launches it.

We counted down from 10…unnecessarily loudly because whatever.

…3…2…1…BLAST OFF!

He pushed the button.
Engine ignites.
Parachute ejects.
Smoke everywhere.
The rocket never left the platform.

[Attempt 1.1 — Launch fail.]

We figured out what happened. The rocket got stuck to the launch rod so we dislodged it and tried again.

We went through the same pre-launch protocol. And then…


The Rascal shoots up gloriously to an estimated altitude of 250 feet. Streaking across a perfect September sky. With the sun in our eyes, we see the parachute deploy. Rocket floats down gently to the ground near the west end goal of the soccer field.

We scream and laugh and high-five each other.

[Attempt 1.2 — Launch success.]

We had one more engine in the pack so what the hell…we wired it up and did it again.

[Attempt 1.3 — Launch success.]

Aaaaand I’m officially hooked. I can’t stop thinking about how fun it was. We built something. We launched it. It didn’t work. We fixed it. Then we tried again, and it worked. Then worked again.

Ohhhh…I get it now…LAUNCH

The term “launch” is used when you start a new business venture and I never stopped to realize how incredibly appropriate that term is. There were so many similarities between my experience launching a business and launching a literal rocket:

  1. Begin at the beginning. It’s perfectly ok to start with the beginner model so you can get the hang of it. Find something approachable that won’t paralyze you with fear, uncertainty, or complexity. All the other step is won’t happen until the first one is taken…so make that one easy.
  2. You won’t have instructions sometimes. And even if you do, you might not have brought them with you so just remember what you might have learned and trust yourself. Following instructions can sometimes be brainless, so be sure to include your brain in your building whether you have the instructions or not. It’ll help you later when you have to fix something or want to repeat something.
  3. Manage expectations. It’s hard not to get hyped up, but know that a failed launch is one of the possible outcomes. There are things you can do to minimize this from happening, but if it happens, it’s not over. You’ve heard/read this stated over a million ways. They’re all right. To be honest, there might not even be such a thing as failure…only learning. Failure is kind of a myth if you think about it. Better yet, don’t think about it. Attempt…learn…repeat.
  4. Give yourself some space. What looks like a decent environment before launch (near the ground) may not be after launch (250 feet up in the air). No wind? Guess again. You’re going to have to chase success around for a while, so give yourself a little room. Too much room is probably just right.
  5. Have backup ingredients. Whether you fail or succeed, have extra stuff. Extra parachutes in case things don’t go well. Extra rockets for when things do and you want to keep doing it over and over. Always be prepared for both cases.
  6. Celebrate the victories. No seriously, like yell and jump and scream and high-five people. Small or big, all victories are a big deal.

So whether you’re a business owner, or a musician, a student, a professor, a parent, or something else, you’re most likely starting something in your life.

Consider it a launch. Go to your local hobby shop and grab a model rocket. I recommend the “Rascal,” but any one will do.

Launch that thing. Take a video. Watch that video all the time. You made that happen.

Do the literal to inform and envision how the figurative will happen.



Vijoy Rao || Founder // Magic Room Brand
Vijoy Rao || Founder // Magic Room Brand
Sound. Strength. Sustainability. | Magic Room Brand
Sound. Strength. Sustainability. | Magic Room Brand



Vijoy Rao
Ascent Publication

Drummer • Painter • Father • Founder of @magicroombrand • Lover of records, ballpark nachos, and bad puns — sometimes all at once. www.magicroombrand.com