Winner’s Mindset… They Don’t Make Excuses.

Sahityika Poddar
Ascent Publication
Published in
8 min readJul 9, 2018

Everybody has a desire in their mind, but most of them do not know the process of dedicating themselves to the discipline to do it.

Match the desire with your dedication and discipline.

Whenever I try to follow a ritual, an inner voice continuously nudges me to un-follow it.

One year back, I took upon me to reduce my weight, because not only it was unmanageable for me to work, I was also diagnosed with PCOS. I had to reduce weight because I found it difficult to even walk. But the idea of exercising daily was a big challenge to me. I could not make up my mind to make it a habit. I struggled through it for a month or two, after which I slowly started to get the hang of it.

The first thing I did was to stop making excuses like: Its too late to work out; I will do it tomorrow; Nothing will happen if I skip one day……. and so on and so forth.

Train your mind. Keep repeating it to yourself that many things will happen if you skip one day. Slowly you will find out that your body will get adjusted to the schedule and it will act as an alarm clock to push you to do it.

Here are some pro tips, that I followed, to stop making excuses and start planning the Success…

Every body has this big goal and they look at it as a giant staircase which they have to climb in order to achieve success.

But when they look up to the number of staircase they have to climb, it looks too hard to work it out. Its easy to write it down that I will be at the top of that staircase. But executing it in person, seems to be the real tough job.

But what you got to do is climb one step ahead of you and when you have done that, climb the next step. You do not need to look up to find the number of steps or how long it is. You need to understand that there will be challenges in each and every step you take. But you need to take those baby steps to ultimately reach the top of the staircase.

I started seeing my weight loss challenge in the same manner. I took it as a weekly challenge of reducing 1 kg per week. In the beginning it seemed quite easy because the first few weights that you loose are water weight but later on losing weight became difficult.

Some of the weeks I lost one kg, sometimes it was more that, sometime it was less than one and sometime it even so happened that there was no change at all. I retained the previous weight. But I kept on taking the baby steps and within seven months I lost ten kg weight.

Therefore, we should always look at the goal in the form of small actionable steps to be executed everyday in order to achieve the massive one.

Most people want the convenience of transformation without the inconvenience.

What I wanted in the very beginning was never possible. I thought just restricting a little on my diet will help me achieve my goal in a few days.

I did not want to face the inconvinience of working out or having to restrict my diet. But slowly I realized unless I put myself through the rigorous exercise and restricting diet my body will not loose weight.

To gain something you have to loose a little.

What we do is we start checking out because of self doubt, or because we are afraid, or because it feels overwhelming to us. This leads us, to make the teeny tiny decisions — decision to not get up on time; decision to not eat the right thing; decision to snap at the kids; decision to not speak in a meeting — No matter how small these decisions are, they take you so far and so off track for that day. The next day you wake up bewildered. You do not know what to do!

Small mistakes made everyday leads to a large mistake which can cause a huge problem later on. So I tried never to miss out on the exercise routine or the diet plan. Because the one mistake will make me loose the struggle I went through for the past months.

The reason why most people will not become what they want to become is because they are too attached to what they have been.

You give yourself an escape when you come up with an excuse about why other people are successful and you are not. That is dangerous.

When I made my mind to loose weight I did not look back. I did not hear the inner voice calling out to me to give up on it. Those excuses will only pull me back.

I found encouragement by seeing others success stories rather than finding excuses that they did it because they had this opportunity and that freedom…. Those are excuses.

“Difficulty is the Excuse History never accepts.”

Everybody has a hard road. It may not be visible to us because others do not care to share it.

Many of us were not brought up in ideal circumstances and that prepare us where we wanted to go.

We all go through depression and doubt but these difficult times carve us out as the human beings we are.

Show me a great man whose father is a great man. Kids that are born billionaires cannot ever become a self made person.

Feel the fear. Find the boundaries of your current skill level. If you do not fall you cannot get better.

Be more consistent than everybody else around you then you will win every race you run.

To achieve the success we need to understand that it will not happen overnight. We need to work hard daily to achieve it at one point of time.

Its not a lottery that you win overnight; Its not magic that is enacted in seconds. Its sheer effort, effectiveness, consistency, productivity and knowledge.

So be more consistent to help you achieve the small actionable steps to succeed. Learn more about the power of consistency here.

Every seed has a tree in it and the potential success of that tree is in that seed.

Somewhere deep inside you know what kind of a person you are designed to be. Think like the person you intend to become.

Whatever you were born to do, is in you now and the success in your life depends on all that is trapped inside of you.

Part of our responsibility lies in discovering what seed is in us.

We were not born to just get a good job with a decent salary, pay our monthly bills, raise our children and just die. We were not born to retire on a pension and fade away.

You and I were born with a gift to make the world a better place.

Success doesn't just happen, it starts for those who take action.

Work to your potential, you will be on fire day and night.

I was very afraid to start a new regimen for my body when I plunged into the weight loss routine. Many people started giving there own opinions regarding what I followed.

As I have explained fear to be of two types in this article: Psychological and physical. This one was psychological where I was getting affected by others mentality.

But slowly I started to gain knowledge about the diet. I searched the internet; people stories and blogs were flooded with information regarding the correct diet for particular body types; busting myths regarding diets and so on and so forth.

After inculcating the knowledge I understood one thing that most of the “others opinion” are myths. Truth can only be delivered through knowledge.

If you spend half an hour studying about the field you want to persist you have the potential to become a national expert in that field in the next five years. If you were to dedicate half an hour of study to a field of endeavor for five consecutive years it will not only transform you, but you will transform the world around you.

Therefore take action, to reveal your inner potential. Find more about taking action here.

Know how smart you are; know your natural velocity; know the background impacts that your ancestors have on you; Know the patterns of your choices, so that the continuous knowledge about yourself makes you do a better job next time.

If you want to be successful, do not seek success, seek to become a person of value.

Make yourself valuable and they will pay you.

The mind of a champion, the relentless pursuit of always conquering, always thinking of what to do next, is instilled in all of us. Where you are in your life and where you want to go is what you have to figure out first.

You have to be self disciplined to add value in your life.

Ambition is a minute-by-minute, day-by-day, mentality.

To have the ambition to work towards a better family life, a new car a new house, a financially secure future, you have to live it every moment. If living a successful life was easy, I am sure more people would be successful.

Going for small accomplishments everyday can lead to achieving your ambition. Learn more about the actionable steps to achieve success here.

Add a little change everyday.

The key to success would be to initiate and plan the change. Time will move with or without you; Change will happen with or without you.

Success, therefore, lies in your hands, because everybody will have to go through the changing time.

Start responding to life rather than reacting to it and you will find that life will respond back to you...

When you wake up tomorrow, to get ready for the day, remind yourself that you are somebody, that you will make the changes to achieve the ideal future. The only key to regulating and controlling change is planning. That way you have a protection because when you plan you not only know what to do you also know what not to do.

If the above article inspired you to take action and allow change then please share it with others and do let me know by commenting below, how you have changes your life.

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Sahityika Poddar
Ascent Publication

A fat young lady, trying to express her life's journey and experiences through writing out loud and clear…