Wish To Stick To Your 2019 Resolutions & Become Healthier? Read on…

Challenge yourself daily with this radical FREE life hack and get a boost in WILL POWER & resolve lasting all year round!

Hakim Mamoni
Ascent Publication
9 min readJan 6, 2019


Photo by Juan Jose on Unsplash.

New year, healthier you? Great resolution! Wish to stick to it beyond a few weeks? Most people, myself included, know just how difficult that can be... According to a recent survey, 60% of those who attempt to turn their new year’s resolution into lasting health habits end up failing. For the vast majority, the resolve to exercise regularly has dissipated by February 9th.

Plenty has been written about why that is and the traditional advice revolves around setting up S.M.A.R.T. goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-based). And while that is great advice, in order to truly boost your chances of success, I recommend something more radical: start the year with daily cold showers! I did that exactly one year ago and it has helped me achieve my health goals… and then some!

TL; DR; Cold showers taken daily can unlock tremendous amounts of will power to help you stick to any resolution. Take it slowly and aim for consistency. Focus on your breath and stretch. You will reap instant benefits. Just do it! As a challenge to self and others. Start tomorrow and see if you can do it for at least 66 days.

Unlock Your Will Power!

“Wait… What?! Cold showers? In January!”… I know. Right now, some of you in the northern hemisphere are screaming out: “No way! That’s crazy. Not a chance! Why would anyone want to do that?”.

Why? Well, for a start, there are the many research-backed health benefits: it can help increase metabolism; burn fat; fight inflammation; strengthen the vagus nervous system; heal injuries and speed recovery; regulate blood sugar levels; enhance detox pathways; enhance the body’s resistance to oxidative stress; improve sleep quality; and increase lifespan!

But the main reason, why I recommend doing it at the turn of the year, is because it can unlock tremendous amounts of will power to help you stick to any of your new year’s resolutions. We all know that sticking to resolutions is, to a large extent, about will power.

For some, it’s having the will power to keep exercising regularly. For others, it’s having the will power to keep saying no to yummy smelling carbs…

Ask yourself this: if long lasting health depended on it, would you be willing to exercise every day, or give up bread, pasta, pizza, potatoes, cakes and all things sweet, or, even more difficult, start fasting?

From my experience, will power is like a muscle: if we never use it, it stays under-developed and weak. But, as soon as we start exercising it, it strengthens. Slowly at first, but when done consistently, within weeks, the compounding effects can yield tremendous results.

At any age, wilfully stepping out of our comfort zone daily is a sure way for anyone to quickly and effectively strengthen their will power. Turning on that cold tap in the morning and stepping under the freezing water is one of the ‘easiest’ and safest way to achieve instant discomfort!

Twelve months ago, I challenged myself, for the new year, to finally give it a try. I had heard of the many health benefits but the thought of daily cold showers was never appealing to me. I knew I shouldn’t let fear hold me back and should at least try and see for myself if I could do it. Looking back, I am so glad I took the plunge!

Most, my present self included, simply don’t enjoy the sensation of cold showers. And rightly so! It’s never pleasant. It wasn’t one year ago; it isn’t today. But that’s precisely the point, that’s why it works so amazingly well. And that’s why YOU should try tomorrow!

Tip 1: Take It Slow & Aim For Consistency.

Photo by Cédric Frixon on Unsplash.

After one year of doing this, I now usually take 2 cold showers a day, sometimes 3. I always start with a ‘regular’ shower (hot water & soap), then switch to the coldest temperature for an extra rinse lasting between 60 to 90 seconds.

Off course, should you prefer skipping the hot water all together and first thing in the morning, step straight under a cold blast for 5 minutes, more power to you! But beware, this is about endurance. So, at first, I don’t recommend you try staying for too long under a shivering cold blast. Your goal should be to form a new habit not break world records.

For most, I recommend ‘easing’ into it so you can keep at it and improve consistently. During the first 7 days, simply try a 10 - 15 seconds cold rinse after a regular shower. Temperature doesn’t have to be the coldest. If you have a powerful shower, begin with medium to low pressure. Do it every morning.

After the first week, progressively decrease the temperature and increase the duration & pressure. Keep doing that every week. When possible, try also increasing the frequency (i.e. once in the morning and once after exercising).

Tip 2: Focus On Breathing & Stretching.

Photo by Valeriia Bugaiova on Unsplash.

Once under the freezing blast, all your attention will instantly shift to the sensation of feeling cold all over, and you will automatically start breathing faster. Try taking your focus away from the cold and onto your breath.

When you are committed to taking cold showers, the sooner you accept the fact that no matter what — you are going to feel cold — the better. Instead of feeling sorry for yourself, try and focus your attention on slowing down your breathing. Try taking longer inhales and exhales while slowly counting seconds in your head. Once you’ve achieved this, the experience should become more bearable.

Also, you don’t have to stand still. Try stretching instead. Rotate between body parts while still focusing on your breath. Stretching first thing in the morning is good for you and it’s another way to take your focus away from feeling cold.

Reap Instant Benefits!

Photo by Steven Diaz on Unsplash.

You may rejoice once you find out one of the first and almost instant benefits: Soon after the cold water hits you, most worries and niggling concerns simply vanish! Your mind empties of preoccupations (other than that of feeling cold). In my opinion, cold showers are by far the quickest way to tame the monkey mind. Those who’ve tried meditating will know exactly what I mean.

Once your turn the cold tap off, take a few seconds to collect yourself and keep focusing on your breath. Then dry off, relax and enjoy the next benefit: a state I can best describe as ‘hyper-alertness’. You feel intensely alive and present in the moment. All your senses are alert. It’s primal. It feels awesome. Just try for yourself!

Once your breathing and heartbeat have returned to normal, you will feel your body super energised from head to toe. You are ready to take on the day! If your resolution is to exercise more this year, in my experience, there’s nothing quite as effective as a cold shower to give you a daily motivation boost.

Finally, knowing that you can go through the intense discomfort of having a cold shower every morning, puts all other uncomfortable tasks you may face later that day in perspective! Your days become calmer & more serene. Priceless!

Tip 3: Just Do It! Don’t Worry &… Take Notes.

Photo by Blake Weyland on Unsplash.

Didn’t start precisely on January 1st? Found this article days, weeks or even months after it got published? Don’t worry! Don’t postpone. Start tomorrow. Just do It!

Bookmark this page now, and come back in a few weeks and let us know in the comment section below how it’s working out for you.

Now, even though cold showers can help boost the immune system, you may still fall sick during the year. If you do, allow yourself to miss a day or more. It won’t matter if you do. Don’t worry about it. I picked up a couple of bugs from my 4 year old during 2018 and had a few days without cold showers. Once you feel better, just start again where you left off.

More important is to try keeping track of your progress. It is a great way to keep yourself accountable. Use your memory, or best, write them down on a notepad, an app, a spreadsheet, anything convenient. Try to record, at least, how long you’re staying under the cold water. If you can take notes of the water temperature & pressure, even better! Doing this will motivate you and challenge you to go for a bit colder or a bit longer or add more pressure the following week. Within a few weeks, you will be amazed to see how far you’ve come!

Tip 4: Take The 66 Days Challenge!

Photo by Mikito Tateisi on Unsplash

According to research conducted in 2009 by Dr. Phillippa Lally, it takes, on average, just over 2 months before a new behavior becomes automatic — 66 days to be exact. Forming a new life habit will take a bit longer but try doing it for at least 66 days and see what comes next.

Don’t let fear keep you from benefiting on so many levels from one of the simplest and most amazing life hacks. Challenge yourself! It’s really worth the brief discomfort!

You will be amazed when you experience what comes next: You (may) start looking forward doing it and won’t want to stop! Shocking right?! Well, to be precise, you may start looking forward to the way you feel once the cold tap is off. And bear in mind, 66 days is only an average.

Also challenge others you know to do it with you. You will keep each others motivated for longer and it will boost your collective chances of success. Share this post with your friends, relatives and colleagues and see who is brave enough to take this on with you. Go ahead and challenge them!

Or better still, do the above and take the Optimum Health Challenge! Cold showers are part of a protocol designed to help achieve long lasting health and possibly reverse ageing. As a participant, you will have an opportunity to not only become healthier, and possibly younger but, also, help us help others become healthier. And, if that’s not enough to motivate you to get you under that cold morning blast, there’s even an unusual financial incentive


If, like me, you need to hear about something from more than one person before really paying attention, please allow me to speed up the process, by presenting to you four random testimonials from others who have tried.

So, are you brave enough to take your 1st cold shower tomorrow? If you are, just write “I’m In!” in the comments section below.

Wishing You a Healthy 2019!

Live Long & Prosper. :)

Caution: Cold showers deliver a full body shock and a rapidly increased heart rate. This can be dangerous if you are elderly or suffer from a heart condition. Please consult your doctor before you begin. Never attempt to go for too cold, too quickly, for too long.



Hakim Mamoni
Ascent Publication

Technologist, Entrepreneur, Biohacker, Husband & Father.