Work Is Different Now

Rich Kolasa
Ascent Publication
Published in
1 min readAug 9, 2017


Before the digital revolution, there was little to support and encourage adherence to one’s own principles in the workplace. They took a back seat to “doing your job.” If a worker felt dissatisfied about their work or career, and nobody in their vicinity shared those feelings, they were an anomaly. And, being an anomaly, instead of feeling like they needed to make a change, they felt shame. Shame paralyzes people, and prevents them from making the changes they need to make in order to be satisfied with their work.

We get to prioritize what we get out of work over what work gets out of us.

But today, nobody is alone in their experience. We see work changing all around us, and increasingly we see that our principles are more important than anything else we bring to the table. We get to prioritize what we get out of work over what work gets out of us.




Rich Kolasa
Ascent Publication

Developer, photographer, and advocate for better work environments.