You Are Not Your Thoughts, You’re Something Better

What you really are to your thoughts and how to combat the negative ones

Kesten Harris
Ascent Publication


Photo by Jen Theodore on Unsplash

My friend once told me that he had a messed up mind. He said that he would think horrible things without even meaning to. He hated those random, twisted thoughts and believed that he was somehow a bad person for thinking them…even though he never acted on them.

Rest assured, I’m not friends with a serial killer. He was merely talking about intrusive thoughts, which I immediately caught onto because everyone experiences those. Especially when you’re an impulsive, ADHD-ridden boy like me.

A huge misconception seems to be the idea that every thought is our own. It makes sense when you’re young and don’t quite understand how a brain works, but we know that’s not the case now. Your thoughts are basically just your brain interpreting the world.

Intrusive thoughts are perfect for showing how our thoughts don’t define us. We’ve all experienced that impulse to jump out of a moving car or a plane. You know those aren’t because you actually wanted to do it. If those thoughts aren’t you, what makes the hundreds of other ones any different?

You may not realize it, but plenty of your issues deviate from listening to your thoughts. It’s fine to listen…



Kesten Harris
Ascent Publication

Kesten E. Harris is a self-published author and freelance writer. He’s responsible for The Explorer and this mailing list: