You Can Radically Change Your Life in One Year

Live as if your success is inevitable.

Brenda Abigail, MSc
Ascent Publication


Photo by Harold Wijnholds on Unsplash

I have a journaling practice that I repeat throughout the year for clarity. I’ll write out what my ideal life would look like, then I’ll scale it down and write about my ideal year. From here, I’ll create a set of realistic yearly and six-month goals to make that outcome a reality.

However, as I got to the goal-setting part while writing down my intentions for 2021, this wild thought came up for me; What if I set the intention to live 2021 as my ideal year?

What if I lived my life as if my success is inevitable?

What that means for me is shifting my focus from all of those “realistic,” mediocre goals, and instead, going after those big, audacious goals that’ll bring me closer to that best version of myself I imagine in my head.

It means playing full out every day when everyone else is comfortably playing small; waking up willing to do the work (even when it scares the sh*t out of me); having faith in myself and my vision; going against everything and anyone that might tell me otherwise.

Realistic vs. Audacious Goals

Let me explain the difference between the goals I’m committing to this year and…



Brenda Abigail, MSc
Ascent Publication

Millennial scientist, mindset coach, & spiritual dog momma.