You Don’t Have As Long With Your Parents As You Think

90% of the time you’ll spend with your parents is over.

Tim Denning
Ascent Publication
Published in
6 min readMar 28, 2019


Image Credit: Jared Oriel

You probably never thought about this, but around 90% of the time that you will have spent with your parents was done from the ages of 0–18 — Donn Felker

It was another long weekend. I had three days of free time and I’d decided to do no blogging. Fantasies about what I could do with the time bounced around in my head. Maybe I could watch my first musical, or go cave diving or take a short flight to the Gold Coast.

For some reason, none of these fantasies appealed to me. My mind went to a different place that it hadn’t been for a while. My thoughts focused in on my parents. To understand this reality, I need to give you some context. Last year, my parents moved away to retire. They no longer live close by and I can’t see them whenever I want.

When they first moved away, I didn’t think it would be a big deal. I mean parents are annoying, right? Always telling you what to do and trying to run your life for you. My dad would tell me to clean my car, or to invest money a certain way or to spend time with my brother who I’d fallen out of contact with due to a business we once had.



Tim Denning
Ascent Publication

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