You Might Be Missing a Very Important Person in Your Life
And that needs to change
As you go through life, your relationships with friends, families, lovers, and even strangers evolve.
How you associate with your mother, father, and siblings at 15 compared to 30 is dramatically different (or so I hope).
The same goes for your “best friend” — a title in which you may have given and taken and given to multiple people throughout the years.
And then there’s the partner you’ve committed a lifetime to.
If you’ve been together, or at least friends, for five or so years, I bet you can point to different moments where your sense of comfort, safety, romanticism, and other qualities of the relationship have grown. But, one thing is for certain, the relationship is definitely different.
Finally, the way you treat strangers these days is sure to have changed. In fact, this could change by the hour. When you are less connected to an individual, there’s far less disincentive to bring out your worst self in a moment of anger or frustration.
In the other relationships, you’ve invested a deep part of yourself and have reason to protect what you’ve given. With strangers, you can simply say you’ll never see them again and if a situation calls for an off-putting reaction, you’re comfortable running with it.
Here’s where it gets interesting.
The way you approach those interactions with strangers may be sending you a message that needs to be read.
When you’re in a situation where you see it as a time to “release” some bottled up shit, there’s a relationship in your life you’ve missed out on.
You need to find this relationship.
So, what is it?
The relationship I’m talking about involves a third party. When you pay for it, it comes in the form of a career coach or therapist. When you don’t pay for it, it comes from a handshake “contract” between you and an accountability partner.
There are three rules in this relationship.
- They support you without judgement
- They keep you accountable to the commitments you’ve made for yourself
- Under no circumstances, do they ever allow you to keep something off the table
It’s that last rule that makes this relationship nearly impossible to exist within the family/friends/partner relationship.
It’s too burdensome to take on. If those relationships had to play the game of being in each other’s faces all the time, making sure every little emotion was on the table, there wouldn’t be any more room for simple, happy love.
Now the question is, who will be that person in your life? Where are you going to find them?
For me, it comes in the form of a career coach. It’s good to know the person I’ve established as my go to for spilling my guts on the table has an obligation (aka money) to stick around.
That’s the relationship that works for me. Which one will work for you?
Explore it. Go get some free consultations. Find someone you aren’t emotionally invested in and set up a professional contract (even if it’s free). Bring your honesty with you and ride the wave to a new state of being.
It’s going to be a rough couple of months. You’ll discover just how much you’ve been bottling up inside. But, once that pressure is released, you’ll be able to approach life from a brand new perspective.
Are you ready to let life in, level up, and realize your full potential? Download The Incomplete Story of Living Your Dreams for free and discover how to start this lifestyle. Fair warning though. The journey you’re about to set out on is uncomfortable, so if you like comfort, DON’T click here.