You Pay Money To See Someone In A Flow State

Let’s understand why, so you can level up your thinking.

Tim Denning
Ascent Publication
Published in
6 min readDec 22, 2020


Photo by Marcel Kovacic on Unsplash

Getting into a flow state is widely understood. There’s nothing new there, and I’m not going to bore you with yet another “how to get into flow ” article.

Why you pay someone money is a completely different topic.

In flow, you’re mentally, physically and financially in the best shape of your life. It’s from this position that you can achieve the impossible. There is so much content online telling you about how to be an expert, as though another book or popular quote will make or break you.

Experts, to me, are the ones who have mastered flow.

The best work doesn’t come from what you know; it comes from your ability to master your state so you can push through barriers and make your work look effortless to anyone who observes it.

Why do people pay to see premium content?

Some people pay to see my writing in the form of an eBook or online course. I wondered why that was. Then it hit me in the face the other day.

People pay to see my writing because they unconsciously want to see the output of a flow state.



Tim Denning
Ascent Publication

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