You Shouldn’t Care About What People Think — 99% of the Time.

Bradley Gilbert
Ascent Publication
Published in
3 min readJul 8, 2016

Everyone has an opinion. You have an opinion, I have an opinion, your friends have an opinion — we all have an opinion. That’s the beauty of individuality, we all have the ability to see things from different perspectives. There’s no rule or law that says my opinion is better than yours nor is there any that says yours is better than mine. We are all entitled to our own opinions.

However, there are some people who would try to impose their opinions on others as if what they think is the only thing that is right. There is one word to describe such people — toxic and you owe it to yourself to not worry about what toxic people think, unless you enjoy inviting negativity into your life! — Always remember:

The moment you start caring about what people think, you have already lost in life.

For some this is easier said than done as some people struggle with not worrying about what others think. They try their best to make everyone happy while putting their own feelings and opinions aside. They are essentially people pleasers and just like it is best to avoid toxic people, it is also quite wise to avoid being a people pleaser. Why? Because you will get taken advantage of and no one enjoys being used.

While it is a good trait to be considerate to others, you must know where to draw the line hence the reason why you shouldn’t care what people think, 99% of the time. The other 1% is where you consider sensible and rational opinions from others. The types of opinions that actually can make a positive change in your life. If you are wondering why, here are a few reasons:

  • You know what is best for you: We all have people who we are close with and who know us better than anyone else. However, no matter how close you are with someone, no one knows you more than you know yourself. You are the only one who knows your most intimate thoughts and desires and you are the only one who can possibly know what is best for you to fulfill whatever it is you want to.
  • You will lose your ability to be assertive: Constantly caring about what people think is tantamount to seeking their approval. When you always look to others for approval, you lose your sense of individuality and your ability to make decisions based on your own thoughts and rationale. While it is good to consider the opinion of others, it also pays to be able to think for yourself and to make your own decisions based on your own intuition.
  • At the end of the day, it’s your life: This is self-explanatory. You are responsible for you. The choices that you make on a daily basis are all yours and whatever may come from those choices is your responsibility.

If you are the type of person who always worry about what other people think perhaps you should take some time out to think about it, figure out a way to stop doing it and take control of your life. Also, just so you know, that’s just my opinion. :)

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