Your Life Is Most Exciting at the Point Between Stability and Instability

How to let your inner ambition shine

Max Phillips
Ascent Publication


Image by FunkyFocus from Pixabay

“Chaos isn’t a pit, chaos is a ladder.”

I must’ve watched that Game of Thrones clip hundreds of times, and it impresses me every time. It perfectly encapsulates Littlefinger’s character. He started the Game of Thrones, and he sure knows how to climb the ladder.

Of course, life isn’t a fantasy show. Frankly, living back then looked like it sucked. Chaos can be both a pit and a ladder.

If we are too unstable, it, as Lord Varys says, is a “gaping pit, waiting to swallow us all.” Stability in the form of income and healthy relationships is essential to just existing.

Too much stability and we end up like Sansa Stark. Being the daughter of a high lord, she has a lot of privileges. At the start of the show, she yearns for the outside world. Once she gets it, her life is ruined.

People everywhere yearn for more excitement but are aware of the risks. We aren’t sheltered like Sansa. Chaos becomes a ladder when we find the point between stability and instability. Here’s what I mean.

You’re Never Going to Find the Perfect Balance



Max Phillips
Ascent Publication

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