Your Mind Hates Unfinished Tasks

Finishing your tasks is important for your health.

Dirk Hooper
Ascent Publication



Recently, I became sick for a couple of months. Unfortunately, that put me behind on everything that I do. And, I don’t know about you, but when I get behind on things I get stressed out, which makes it more difficult for me to complete all the stuff that I have on my plate.

That leads to a never-ending cycle of not getting things completed and being stressed because none of the things you’re doing are finished. Do you see where this is a never-ending cycle?

A maelstrom of uncompleted activities is going to drive you insane.

You must complete your tasks.

I’m in an unusual situation because I am a fiction and nonfiction writer. I’m a professional photographer. I do consultation and social management and coaching through Sexy Networking. I also do illustrations and artwork and I’m trying to finish comic book stuff on the side.

Needless to say, I’m busy.

What I do requires me to juggle numerous different jobs all at the same time. And I’ve learned methods to create organization, but if I don’t finish tasks, they nag me constantly.

I’m the type of guy who can be a worrier instead of being a warrior.



Dirk Hooper
Ascent Publication

Professional Award-Winning Writer, Adult Branding & Marketing Consultant, Award-Winning Photographer, Artist, Audio Talent, Journalist & BDSM mentor.