You’re Either Running A Marathon Or A Sprint

Bradley Gilbert
Ascent Publication
Published in
3 min readAug 18, 2016

I am sure you hear this all the time — Good things come to those who wait. Obviously this saying has its merit but I certainly have my reservations about what it represents and you probably do too or you will, after reading this.

Having patience is important. Not only is it a virtue but it is also essential if you want to achieve great things and be successful in your endeavours. Most of us set goals and a timeline in which we hope to achieve them but do we set those goals and just wait? — No we don’t because waiting alone would get us nowhere. We have to put in the work and in time the goals will come. Some come faster than others as we are either running a marathon or a sprint, a sprint for the short-term goals and a marathon for the long-term goals.

The 2016 Summer Olympics is currently on its way in Rio and if you have followed any of the games you would have seen athletes from different disciplines representing their respective countries and displaying their talent. For most, if not all, of these athletes, making it to the Olympics was a childhood dream and life goal. But did they just wait and wish they would make it to the Olympics? No, they trained and worked hard all their life to get to this moment and with patience, time and effort, they made it to the world’s biggest stage. They ran the marathon to get to where they want to be — years of training and self-development allowed them to be the best at what they do.

Just like the athletes, you must do the same to get to where you want to be. Waiting and hoping is simply not enough, if waiting was all it took, every last one of us will have everything we ever wanted. A good approach is to figure out what you are aiming and decide whether it requires you to run a sprint or a marathon to get there. Once you have that part figured out, start doing the work you need to do to get what you want because good things do not come to those who just wait but to those who put in the time and effort to get those good things.

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