Split-second decisions

Vince Mancari
The Aspen Grove
Published in
1 min readNov 27, 2018

They happen all the time in life.

We get a call from our friend asking for help this evening when our plan was to recharge.

Our sister stops by after a rough day just as we’re rushing out the door to a dinner we’re tight on time to make.

They’re tough calls to make even now; in the moment they can feel impossible.

The best we can do is to do our best.

We’re not going to have a perfect record on these in life, and that’s ok. More harmful than the initial decision is the self-inflicted punishment afterwards of beating ourselves up about it.

Acknowledge that we wish we made a different choice, yes. Even more-so acknowledge why we wish that, yes. But maybe skip the part where we’re hard on ourselves about it. It’s doubtful that will do us any good.

