
Vince Mancari
The Aspen Grove
Published in
1 min readSep 21, 2017

is Fear’s companion, and an enemy to things that matter. Of all the lies that Worry tries to sell us on, there are two that are the most crippling:

Our circumstances deserve our focus.

Worrying can change something.

While we certainly should be aware of the place we find ourselves in (otherwise known as our circumstances), there is absolutely nothing about these external forces that we can control. How we spend our time is the only thing that deserves our focus, because it is the one thing we can control, and our best means for making a positive difference in the world.

And while it’s quite comforting to think that we can change something about our circumstances if we just worry enough, all we’re really doing is wasting time. Or worse, hiding from the fear of sharing our work. Far better to dance with our fear than become a slave to it, don’t you think?

