Photo by Ryan McGuire

How To Be a Soul Blogger

Published in
5 min readJul 24, 2015


In the 1987 surfing masterpiece/teen exploitation film, The North Shore (currently 6.4 stars on IMDB) a youth spends the summer in Hawaii, falls in with a surfing “guru” named Chandler, and fulfills the hero’s journey by winning a surfing competition AND scoring the hot, local, Hawaiian girl played by Nia Peeples (who may or may not be part Polynesian, but, more importantly, used to open for Liberace in Vegas!).

Chandler, the wizened (not so old) guru, is a “soul surfer.” He instructs the young hero on the spiritual aspects of surfing. Soul surfers, you see, surf for the pleasure of surfing and eschew the commercial surf “scene”. The message of the movie is clear: If you want to win, you have to surf not to win but to surf, then you WIN! Isn’t that great? It’s so easy!

So, since a lot of people want to win at blogging, I will be your Chandler. Yea, man, you heard me right. I am a soul blogger. I am the bloggiest blogger in all of bloggaville. I’m the real deal. It’s been bloggoration across the nation for years now. I am an OLD SKOOL blogger. I was blogging before you were born. I blogged on ARPANET on a Tandy 1000. I was blogging before there were cats on the Internet, which means I was blogging before there was an Internet. In my last life, I blogged before there were cats… in the Oasis at Silwa. I was blogging in hieroglyphics on clay tablets. You could look it up. I’ll…




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