In Praise of Medium Poets

The Athenaeum
Published in
3 min readJul 26, 2022


After reading Tony Stubblebine’s “Hello Medium readers, authors, editors, and publishers”¹ I read the comments. I was pleasantly surprised to see a lot of people I know. Right now, that article has 531 comments, and while I only recognized a small fraction of the authors, the fact that I recognized anyone changed my perception of what is happening on Medium.

Coach Tony asked for feedback. On cue, Stephen M. Tomic, editor of the Junction, took up the banner in support of fiction writing. He is fighting a long fight. I’ve been here since 2015 (here is my first post). I think Stephen has been here the whole time doing what he can to promote fiction on the site.

I really believe I am here to blog, not to “write”. That said, nothing I write on Medium is true, so I’m at least kin to the folks over at the Junction. I have, on at least two occasions, attempted to write real fiction.

I once published an “epic” on Medium about a teenage hero of the suburbs. It is riddled with errors and maybe makes no sense. I had great fun writing it. When I reread it, I laugh! I may be the only one. It can be found here:

My other… offering… was an attempt to mimic George R. R. Martin and create a massive, unfinished fantasy tale that would frustrate…



The Athenaeum

Tribune of Medium. Mayor Emeritus of LiveJournal. Third Pharaoh of the Elusive Order of St. John the Dwarf. I am to Medium what bratwurst is to food.