The Clap Bombshell Has Impacted Medium in a Way Nobody Saw Coming

Medium Targets Listicles with Inflated Recommends

Augusta Khalil Ibrahim
The Athenaeum
3 min readAug 24, 2017


Recommends used to be the currency of Medium.

Then they were replaced by claps where legacy recommends were converted to one clap.

Since I can give each story a maximum of 50 claps, the recent replacement by claps is effectively a reset of all historic recommends to one-fiftieth of their previous value.

The devaluation levels the playing field between those who had hugely inflated recommends for articles of doubtful quality on the one hand and writers of quality articles in the other hand, many of whom did not receive the attention that they deserved.

Now, the inflated recommends of past listicles is effectively divided by fifty.

This paves the way for greater coherence, integrity and credibility at Medium.

Eager to shake off its reputation for 20-something life-hack listicles, the CEO of Medium, Ev Williams struck back with an ingenious tactic from the field of fiscal management.

Fiscal management

It must have wounded Medium terribly that, even though the ghost town of Medium-Articles-Past is paved with literary gold its most-recommended story is a life-hack with 50,000 recommends:

No longer a prisoner of its life-hack past, Medium has divided the value of Z’s recommends by 50.

Now all you have to to is go back to ALL the stories you have ever recommended -I’m talking to real people here, not bots — and clap them up to fifty times their original value.

You might like to start here, with my two most-recommended stories:

If you are a financial expert and you found this article to be full of misunderstandings of financial and fiscal concepts, please correct me below, include replacement text and I’ll fix it ASAP.

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