Write For The Athlete

Come join The Athlete

Broderick Cotter
The Athlete
2 min readFeb 14, 2024


What is The Athlete?

The Athlete aims to connect sports to every day life, whether that is in the form of mindsets, mental health, optimizing performance, nutrition, training advice or general fitness content.

The Athlete takes the tools that the best athletes use and applies them to every day life to help people become their better self.

Sports is really a simplified version of life, in sports you have a goal that you work towards and you fail a LOT, but you get back up and you keep moving towards that goal, sometimes something unexpected happens, sometimes you get last place, sometimes your coach yells at you, but you push through. Life is very similar but it has more distractions, more challenges, more advanced versions of what you see in sports, but if you can break these things down, and realize them for what they really are then you can have so much power in your life.

The Athlete’s goal is to take these things that we learn in sports and help others apply them to better themselves and their life.

Why Write for The Athlete

  1. This is a new publication so this means that you have the chance to grow with it, we accept all writers no matter their follow or article count.
  2. You like the concept and enjoy writing about fitness, mindsets, nutrition or mental health. Don’t let these topics limit you! If you have other ideas and can connect them to fitness or exercise then leave a comment!
  3. You own all the rights to your work, you can re-publish whenever without letting me know!

Submission Guidelines

In order to write for The Athlete all you need to do is follow our publication and leave a comment below, you can submit an article to The Athlete and then have it published or publish an article and then submit to The Athlete

Here are some writer guidelines for The Athlete

  1. DONT: use AI, any article that uses AI for large portions of the article will be denied, AI is okay to use for ideas or to find the right sentence, but whole paragraphs is a big NO
  2. DO: Use engaging titles and create interesting articles
  3. DO: Cite images and bonus if you cite sources throughout your article although not a requirement
  4. Don’t: Plagiarize, any content or writer found to be plagiarizing or copying others work will be removed from out publication

So join me on this journey! Come write for us and lets see how far we can go!



Broderick Cotter
The Athlete

Writing about my journey as a competitive athlete and the tools/mindsets that have helped me along the way