Antidoping Officials Get an Earful From Congress: ‘What a Broken System’

T&F Athletes Association
The Athlete’s Voice
2 min readMar 15, 2017
From left, the Olympic shot-putter Adam Nelson; the Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps; and Travis Tygart, the United States’ top antidoping official, being sworn in before testifying at a House subcommittee hearing Tuesday. Beyond Tygart, from left, are Rob Koehler, deputy director of the World Anti-Doping Agency, and Richard Budgett, medical and scientific director of the International Olympic Committee. Photo Credit: The New York Times

By Rebecca R. Ruiz, The New York Times

WASHINGTON — Federal lawmakers excoriated international sports officials on Tuesday for what they called a bungled response to the Russian doping scandal, with delayed investigations, insufficient sanctions and a lack of interest in rooting out cheating that has tarnished the Olympic brand.

During a two-hour hearing called by a House subcommittee, Democrats and Republicans chastised representatives of the International Olympic Committee and the World Anti-Doping Agency, the regulator of drugs in sports.

“What a broken system,” Representative Jim Walden, Republican of Oregon and chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, said, asking why WADA — to which the United States is the largest national contributor — took years to act on the multiple whistle-blower tips it had received from within Russia, pursuing investigations only after news media reports…

…Mr. Nelson — who inherited a gold medal roughly a decade after he had competed, after a reporter informed him a competitor had been disqualified for doping — said he wanted to ensure officials would not “sweep this under the rug.”

He was presented with his gold medal in the food court of an Atlanta airport, a fact numerous representatives seized on, arguing for a ceremony to honor the dozens of athletes who have retroactively won medals because of the rash of doping disqualifications over the last year.

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