Olympians Phelps and Nelson Push for More Action Against Doping

T&F Athletes Association
The Athlete’s Voice
1 min readFeb 28, 2017

By Alex Gangitano, Roll Call

  • For complete article visit Roll.com.
  • Adam Nelson’s written testimony can be read here.

Olympic gold medalists Michael Phelps and Adam Nelson gave heartfelt pleas for Congress to help with the effort to eliminate doping in sports.

The athletes were witnesses on Tuesday at a Energy and Commerce subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations hearing entitled “Ways to Improve and Strengthen the Anti-Doping System.”

Phelps, the most-medaled Olympic athlete, humbly introduced himself and said he has spent years teaching children that if they believe in themselves, they can do anything.

“Looking back over my career, knowing how difficult it is to get to the highest level of sport, I can’t help but think how will the next generation of athletes know how to do it,” he said.

Nelson originally won silver in the shot put at the 2004 Summer Olympics, but was awarded the gold nine years later after Ukrainian Yuriy Bilonoh tested positive for doping.

He said he picked up his medal at the food court in the Atlanta airport, to which both Phelps and members of the subcommittee laughed.

Continue reading at: Roll.com

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The Track & Field Athletes Association (TFAA) is a 501(c)(4) organization formed to support the rights and interests of professional track & field athletes. We are the Athlete’s Voice. Visit trackfieldaa.com for more information.

