The Athlete Voice: When the Other Side of the Agreement Fails

T&F Athletes Association
The Athlete’s Voice
2 min readJun 10, 2016

The Athlete Voice: When the Other Side of the Agreement Fails

In the light of the recent WADA Independent Commission report on the Russian Federation’s egregious flaunting of drug testing processes as well as its corruption and intimidation, the Track & Field Athletes Association (TFAA) proposes and endorses the following:

  1. The IAAF, WADA and the Russian Federation pay reparations to impacted athletes denied their rightful competition placements.
  2. The IAAF and WADA disqualify any athlete involved with this scandal and re-allocate all medals, prize money and other awards accordingly and in a timely manner.
  3. The IAAF, the IOC and WADA support an independent athletes’ association and work with said group to establish a system of checks and balances to prevent such corruption and unethical behavior from happening again.
  4. WADA fund a new “Fair Play” Initiative organized and administered by the independent athletes’ association that would include an athlete run educational, outreach and deferred compensation plan that would create a systemic alignment with the core values of fairness and sportsmanship.
  5. Banning the Russian Federation is a blunt force response that penalizes the many clean athletes doing it the right way and is the antithesis of the Olympic ethos. A more appropriate response is a lifetime ban on anyone linked to these and other acts of corruption.

TFAA looks forward to talking and working with WADA, the IOC and the IAAF to create the fairest and cleanest sport possible for all.

About the TFAA
The Track & Field Athletes Association (TFAA) is a 501(c)(4) organization formed to support the rights and interests of professional track & field athletes. We are the Athlete’s Voice. Learn more and become a member at:

