The Brain Isn’t Supposed to Change This Much

“Scientists are meant to know what’s going on, but in this particular case, we are deeply confused.”

The Atlantic
The Atlantic


Image: Adam Maida / The Atlantic / Shutterstock

By Ed Yong

Carl Schoonover and Andrew Fink are confused. As neuroscientists, they know that the brain must be flexible but not too flexible. It must rewire itself in the face of new experiences, but must also consistently represent the features of the external world. How? The relatively simple explanation found in neuroscience textbooks is that specific groups of neurons reliably fire when their owner smells a rose, sees a sunset, or hears a bell. These representations — these patterns of neural firing — presumably stay the same from one moment to the next. But as Schoonover, Fink, and others have found, they sometimes don’t. They change — and to a confusing and unexpected extent.

Schoonover, Fink, and their colleagues from Columbia University allowed mice to sniff the same odors over several days and weeks, and recorded the activity of neurons in the rodents’ piriform cortex — a brain region involved in identifying smells. At a given moment, each odor caused a distinctive group of neurons in this region to fire. But as time went on, the makeup of these groups slowly changed. Some neurons stopped responding to the smells; others started. After a month…

