Picky Eaters are Made

Danica Davis
The Attached Family
7 min readJan 7, 2021


Photo by Artyom Kabajev on Unsplash

Picture in your mind. You invite a friend to bring their family to your house for a dinner. All the kids are friends and the whole event is something you are all looking forward to.

You carefully pick out the menu. You go to the store and shop for the ingredients, making sure to buy the best quality you can to impress and bless your friends. The meal you serve is one you have made many times before and you have basically perfected it.

You work all afternoon cooking and preparing the food to serve your guests. Then, they all arrive. After the welcomes and hugs hello, everyone comes to the kitchen to get situated at the table. All of a sudden your friend pulls out a tupperware container. In the container is chicken nuggets and fries. You ask her about her container and she says, “oh, this is all my kids will eat. They are so picky”

Maybe this scenario sounds exaggerated. Maybe you have never heard of such a thing. Or maybe you are the parent with the tupperware container and this scenario is you.

I cannot begin to count the of times I have gone to someone’s home for a dinner or meal or they have come to ours of and the friend is inevitably serving their child a whole separate meal. One that is “kid friendly”. Every time this happens they always tell me that their child is picky and that this meal is all they will eat.



Danica Davis
The Attached Family

Functional Nutrition Counselor and mom to 8 amazing humans. I am passionate about nutrition and mental health as well as raising amazing humans