The Teenager Dilemma

Gentle Discipline for Teens

Danica Davis
The Attached Family


Photo by gryffyn m on Unsplash

In our home, we use respectful parenting methods. That means we do not hit our children. We do not threaten our children. We try not to yell or be intimidating to our children. Another common term for this is gentle parenting.

A common misconception it is the same thing as permissive parenting. It is not. Permissive parenting assumes that you have no or very few boundaries for your children. In respectful and gentle parenting there are firm and well held boundaries.

Gentle and respectful parenting looks at your children as humans — just like you and me. They are people with wants, hopes, desires, and feelings just like you and me. Respectful parenting assumes that we are all human and make mistakes and need correction from time to time. It aims to put up strong boundaries in our children’s lives without ignoring the humanness that they also have. It looks at how we would want to be corrected if the shoe were on the other foot and acts in kind.

I have two teenage daughters

Most of the information out there about this type of parenting is about small children, toddlers and early elementary school ages. As a parent of older children and teenagers, this was a big frustration. I did not feel like any advice fit.



Danica Davis
The Attached Family

Functional Nutrition Counselor and mom to 8 amazing humans. I am passionate about nutrition and mental health as well as raising amazing humans