The Greatest Brunch in the World

Luís Rodrigues Alves
the audiovisual ugh
2 min readJul 3, 2015


Behold! The Greatest Brunch in the World is Finally Here!

This is not for everyone! Only for those who are willing to taste the best food in their lives!

This is not a joke! Until now, the tasting and the pleasure of food has been quite a subjective feeling. What some people like, some disdain, and so forth. But, thanks to science and trial & error, we mastered the technique, and this will be the best food you will ever eat in your life, period.

It is mathematically proven that not only everyone will enjoy the meal, it will be their best meal ever.

Please visit us any day from 8:00 to 15:30.

There are 10 different brunches on our menu. Please choose wisely. You don’t have to pay a dime, but there are some rules.

  1. You will only be able to taste our food once in your lifetime. Upon entering our building you’ll have to give your fingerprints, donate a bit of your blood for DNA registration, retina scans and voice recordings so that we can identify you and be sure you never came here.
  2. You are only allowed inside if you are 18 or older. Our team of psychologists have warned us that children eating our food might pose a problem. This is because you will only eat this food once, and since you’ll never again taste anything quite as good, children might be prone to develop eating disorders.
  3. When entering the building, you will be strip searched. Any object of any kind that is with you, will be held and returned to you upon leaving. No social media interaction, photos or recordings of any kind will be allowed.
  4. You will choose only one of our ten different brunches. Your choice, once written on the paper, cannot be undone. Choose wisely. Despite being guaranteed that you’ll love what you eat, you never know which of the ten you will love the most.
  5. You are not allowed to repeat. You will eat one course, and one only.
  6. Once you are seated, you can not leave your chair, unless you want to leave. Please go to the bathroom before to avoid issues. If you get up before eating everything, you won’t be able to finish your meal.
  7. When leaving, you will again be strip searched. No object or pieces of food are allowed to leave the restaurant.

Thank you for trying our free services, brought to you by the Hexuus Foundation.

This short story about a fictional place might come true some day if you recommend this article. We never know what the future holds for us.



Luís Rodrigues Alves
the audiovisual ugh

crap art maker; sometimes i make games about love, death and dreams & mobile apps for people, aliens and friends.