The secret ingredients of a successful Startup

Luís Rodrigues Alves
the audiovisual ugh
1 min readNov 7, 2016
A Mac computer to program; an iPhone to test the application; a chewed iPhone cord to connect it to the computer; bad peanuts; bad Tuc crackers made of biological multicereal integral seeds so that I feel healthy; multivitamins because the Tucs aren’t convincing enough; old coffee in a thermal mug; new coffee in a plastic cup; water; a (possibly dead) cactus plant; useless Google merchandise; brain; table; unreachable work colleagues hidden behind all the stuff; surrealistic drawings of an alien looking at you from La Planète Sauvage so that you don’t forget your humanity.



Luís Rodrigues Alves
the audiovisual ugh

crap art maker; sometimes i make games about love, death and dreams & mobile apps for people, aliens and friends.