New Year | Gratitude

What I Appreciate About Life In The US After Living Overseas

5 Things I Loved In 2022

Georgie Nink
5 min readJan 2, 2023


A park near our apartment in Boston, MA that Raja and I frequent. (Author photo)

January 2023 — Milwaukee, Wisconsin

As you probably know by now, I spent the last seven years living in Jordan (with a strange, brief stint back in the states in the early COVID days. More on that weird time later).

After I moved back to Boston last April, I had a newfound appreciation for some things that I had taken no notice of before moving to Amman. I had absolutely taken them for granted, and why not? They were always there.

Since leaving and coming back, I find myself acutely aware and appreciative of things I never noticed before. I’m wondering if this is a temporary glow that will wear off, or a permanent change in how I look at life in America.

I’m hoping permanent — but time will tell.

Regardless, here they are:

1. Being Invisible

Yesterday I went to the grocery store with Raja. We are staying at my parents’ house in Milwaukee, WI, over the holidays this year, so we borrowed their car and drove the half mile, over on Wells Street and down 68th Street, to Metro Market.



Georgie Nink

Memoirist, traveler, homebody, former expat, humanitarian aid worker (and critic). And a Wisconsin girl through and through.