How to Make Better Decisions with the 10–10–10 Rule

Long-term thinking made easy.

Moreno Zugaro
The Authentic Man


Image by Arek Socha on Pixabay

“Rule your mind or it will rule you.”

— Horace

Every day, you make tons of decisions.

What should I wear? Do I want scrambled eggs for breakfast? Will I hit the gym or stay in today? Should I ask her out? Can I ask for a pay raise?

Your decisions determine your life. The job you choose sets the general trajectory for your career. The food you eat is a major component of your health. Your city and apartment influence your standard of living to a large degree.

In their book “Decisive: How to Make Better Choices in Life and Work”, authors Chip and Dan Heath look at decisions from a different perspective — and examine why we so often seem to be wrong about them.

How often did you regret a decision? Not only that, but how often did you waste plenty of time, money, and energy because of it? The job that turned out to be a dead end, the partner who’s a douchebag but you decided to stick with, the investment that tanked?

Imagine what your life could look like if you made better decisions. You’d have a ton more of what you want and much less of what you don’t.

