The Surprising Reason Why Women Dont like Nice Guys

Women only want jerks and men only want sex.

Moreno Zugaro
The Authentic Man


Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels

“Women only like assholes, they don’t want a nice guy like me!” — Nice guy who isn’t actually that nice

You hear it left, right, and center.

Self-proclaimed nice guys complaining about how women are only into assholes who treat them badly. The nice guy is quick to provide proof for his claim in the form of a story of some random dude who behaves like a prick but scores like hell.

They reinforce that narrative by talking about the countless occasions where they “were really nice, took her out on dates, paid for dinner, but still didn’t get her.”

Instead, she went to the club the next night and first hopped in a taxi and then onto the lap of a stranger whom she met an hour ago. The insensitive jerk driven by his physical needs gets more action than the nice, polite, and sweet guy who’s been working his butt off to make the little princess feel good.

What a cruel world this is. Women really ain’t shit, hu?

I’m not gonna lie to you — I’ve been there, and I’ve said that. I’ve struggled with nice guy syndrome and bought into the narrative that women only go for grade A…

