What Does It Mean to Be a Man in Today’s World?

There are 3 core principles uniting all men.

Moreno Zugaro
The Authentic Man


Image by Andrea Piacquadio on pexels

What does it really mean to be a man?

It’s a simple question with a not-so-simple answer.

There’s a lot of talk about masculinity these days. Is it toxic? Is it healthy? Is it both? What is masculinity in the first place?

Everybody seems to have an opinion, and as the saying goes, too many cooks spoil the broth. Men are caught in the middle, not knowing what to think.

The problem is most arguments focus only on the manifestation of masculinity. Men are aggressive. Men are emotionally distant. Men suppress women. Men drop sexist comments. Boys should be raised without violence.

Very few ask where masculinity comes from and what it actually means to be a man, although that is the burning question most men ultimately end up with.

With his book “Manhood in the Making”, David D. Gilmore has set out to find an answer. It’s one of the few comprehensive and cross-cultural studies done on the subject. He examined cultures all across the globe to discover what it means to be a man. What he found was that there are some universal principles that are core to every man.

