What to Do When You Hate Someone’s Guts

Your hate starts with you.

Moreno Zugaro
The Authentic Man


Photo by Andre Hunter on Unsplash

“When someone has a strong opinion, it usually says more about them then whatever or whomever the opinion happens to be about.”

— The Daily Stoic

We all have people we hate. Your ex-girlfriend. Your coworker who took your results to the boss and received praise. Your stupid in-law or uncle who’s full of himself and makes inappropriate comments at family gatherings.

Hate manifests in different forms. Sometimes it’s subtle, making you uneasy and upset when you think of the person. Sometimes it’s rage and boiling blood when you think of their face and all the stupid things they do.

In any case, it can sour your mood and ruin your day. Being hateful makes your life worse and overshadows everything else, like a cloud moving in front of the sun. You stress out, are on the edge, and can’t see things clearly.

That alone is bad as it is, but often you can’t avoid the person. They might be part of your team, family, or memory, refusing to leave your head.

Un-hating someone isn’t always easy. It has very few to do with the person you hate, and a lot with yourself.

