Float, Trust, Enjoy

Jen Engevik
The Authentic Rebel
Oct 14, 2023
Photo by Alexandros Giannakakis on Unsplash

“…No one looks back and regrets leaving the world. What’s regretted

is how real we thought it was! How much we worried about phenomena and how little we considered what moves through form. ‘Why did I spend my life denying death? Death

is the key to truth!’ When you hear lamenting like that, say, not out loud, but

inwardly, ‘What moved you still moved you, the same energy. But you understand

perfectly now that you are not essentially a body, tissue, bone, brain, and muscle. Dissolve

in this ear vision. Instead of looking down at the six feet of road immediately

ahead, look up to see both worlds, the face of the living king, the ocean shaping and carrying

you along. You’ve heard descriptions of the sea. Now float, trust, enjoy the motion.’”

Rumi (from the Coleman Barks translation)



Jen Engevik
The Authentic Rebel

I'm a writer, lover of life, Curious George in human form - love to share ideas, inspire others, offer hope and kindness and seize the day.