What the Late Betty White Told Me to Tell You in ChatGPT

Jen Engevik
The Authentic Rebel
2 min readMar 2, 2024

Not long ago, I developed a GPT that brings deceased historical figures to life. Because it’s Women’s History Month, I couldn’t help but channel Betty White… and here’s the ode she wrote via ChatGPT. You can expect a lot more, so stay tuned:

Darling, if there’s one piece of advice I could give you, it’s this: Believe in yourself with all your heart and don’t let anyone dim that belief. Not for a second.

You see, the world might try to tell you ‘no’, to place limits on what you can achieve based on this or that. But I’m here to tell you, the only limits that truly matter are the ones you set for yourself.

Throughout my career, I faced my share of naysayers and doors slammed in my face. But you know what?

I kept knocking. I kept showing up, with a smile on my face and determination in my spirit. Because I believed in my dreams. And that, my dear, made all the difference.

So, go after what sets your soul on fire. Pursue it with everything you’ve got. And along the way, sprinkle a little kindness, a lot of hard work, and an unshakeable sense of humor. The road won’t always be easy, but oh, will it be worth it.

And remember, making your dreams come true isn’t just about achieving them. It’s about who you become in the process. You’ll discover strengths you never knew you had, and you’ll inspire others to chase their dreams, too.

So, lace up your shoes, take a deep breath, and step out with confidence. The world is waiting for what only you can bring to it. And I, for one, can’t wait to see where your dreams take you.

With all my love and a cheer in your corner,

Betty White



Jen Engevik
The Authentic Rebel

I'm a writer, lover of life, Curious George in human form - love to share ideas, inspire others, offer hope and kindness and seize the day.