Are Book Blog Tours Still a Viable Marketing Tool for Indie Authors?

Wondering if book blog tours are still a good marketing investment? It depends on what you’re looking to achieve.

Chelsea Falin
The Authorpreneur


Photo Owned By and Used With Permission From the Author, Chelsea Falin

When independent publishing first hit the scene, book blog tour companies exploded. The idea of taking your book on a virtual tour, gaining exposure from the comfort of your own home, was irresistible.

As time went on, however, some authors weren’t seeing the increases in sales they were hoping from these tours. Many said book blog tours weren’t worth it.

Are book blog tours still a viable marketing tool? I get this question all the time.

The truth of the matter is yes. They’re worth it. Unfortunately, many authors have unrealistic or misguided experiences about what to expect from a tour in terms of results.

Book Blog Tours Don’t Sell Books

Book blog tours don’t sell books. You might get a few sales. If your tour revolves around a special discount, you might even sell a few handfuls or a couple dozen books. But you shouldn’t expect your sales to skyrocket suddenly.

I already know what you’re thinking. “If book blog tours don’t sell books, then why should I still use…

