A Tale Of Love?

Death + Memory.

The Author’s Lounge


Photo by Grant Whitty on Unsplash

I woke up from a blurry dream and walked straight into a panic attack.

It wasn’t a nightmare, in case you’re wondering.

My mind was attempting to escape itself, which jolted my body into being awake.

Has the insanity of my ancestors finally caught up with me? Or am I the prelude to insane ancestry?

Either way,

I woke up, panicked and looked for you.

That’s a lie. I scavenged for your presence, like a stray dog. Rummaged through trash cans searching for you.

Until I remembered, you died, just yesterday. Or was it five years ago? Or today? The difference is lost on my senses.

I’m not sad. I’ve just gone mad, is all. I have a short memory, sometimes I forget you died and I remember it in a dream, that wakes me up to confirm the reality of it all.

I grieve you, endlessly, routinely (with vigor and grace). Yours, is a fate of death and mine, of memory.

So, admittedly, yes

I lose my mind on some nights

The nights when I wake up into a panic

Those nights, when your ghost is restless.

What with your ghost, not having any spatial awareness. Hovering about, in need of my company.

I revere that about your death. Your neediness to be kept alive. The necessity of it. The devotion. The selfishness.

I pray that, you continuously come back to me (through death) and that

I continue to lose my memory and remember you all over again, every night, just without (the panic).

