Be a Master of Internal Dialogue

The Key to Self-Control

The Author’s Lounge
3 min readFeb 14, 2024


Photo by Isaac Lind on Unsplash

Introduction: Understanding Internal Dialogue

Have you ever found yourself in a silent conversation with your mind? That’s your internal dialogue at play.

“You look ugly, and you shouldn’t go out ever!”

“He must be thinking that you’re dumb!”

“Don’t say it; you’ll end up looking like a fool!”

Hold on, though. Before we understand how we can be in charge of this self-critique, let’s acknowledge something profound: we all have an inner critic or a bully inside our minds, but there also exists an inner ally or inner supporter. This duality holds the key to self-mastery and the good life we all seek.

Section 1: The Impact of Internal Dialogue

During my teenage years, I had a very different personality compared to the one I have now. This personality exhibited some restrictive personality traits. I call them restrictive as they served as a hindrance to my goal attainment or even inhibited my ability to function in my daily life, for that matter. The biggest hindrance was my hesitation to speak my mind. I had a highly developed and strong inner critic that constantly filled my mind with the negative statements I mentioned in the beginning. Back then, I wasn’t familiar with the term ‘internal dialogue’. I perceived it as my voice, draining my energy. This perception kept me from fully blossoming into my true self and further developing my character. It was only when I tapped into my strategic mind and completely transformed my inner life (a story for another time) that I realized the immense impact of internal dialogue. Mastering it isn’t just about quieting the critic; it’s about creating a symphony of voices where self-control and self-leadership take center stage.

Section 2: Strategies to Master Internal Dialogue

1. See yourself as a system:

Begin by envisioning yourself as a strong individual. This shift in mindset will help you access your hidden strength and power. Thereafter, exercise that power, and everything else will fall into place. Ascend to your imaginary throne and conduct your coronation. Ask the other parts of your mind (as our minds are composed of different parts, which will be discussed in one of my upcoming posts) to obey and accept your command. Demonstrate that you are in charge now. This is a strategy I have been using, and now it comes naturally when I find myself in chaotic situations. It is an impactful and genuinely strong strategy.

To start, visualize your mind as a kingdom. You, the king, preside over various internal “ministries”: reason, emotion, intuition, etc. Each has a valuable role, but if left unchecked, they can clash and create inner turmoil.

2. Employ Your Inner Ally:

Forget the nagging critic; there’s a powerful ally waiting to be awakened within you. I call him my inner philosopher, the quiet sage whispering wisdom. While the critic shouts negativity, this wise voice offers unwavering support. Think of it as your personal Yoda, ready to guide you through life’s challenges. When I see my inner critic rising, I dispatch my ally as my advocate.

- Give It a Face and a Name: Personalize Your Inner Ally. Give him a name and visualize his form coming into existence whenever you need him.

- Nourish Your Sage: Unlike discovering a hidden treasure, this wise voice thrives on nurture. Reading insightful books, engaging in deep contemplation, and journaling your reflections are like watering a seed, allowing your inner philosopher to blossom.

- Hear the Whispers: Often, we brush aside self-compassion and encouragement as fleeting thoughts. Recognize them! These are your inner philosopher’s gentle whispers, urging you towards resilience and growth.

- Amplify Its Voice: Drown out the critic’s noise with the wisdom of your inner ally. Practice positive affirmations, reminding yourself of your strengths and past victories. Write down your positive qualities and revisit them regularly, strengthening his voice.

Conclusion: A Journey, Not a Destination

This isn’t a simple fix; mastering internal dialogue is a journey. But by using these strategies, you can transform your inner battlefield into a harmonious kingdom. Remember, this is just the beginning, fellow seekers of self-mastery. The power lies within you.

Thanks for reading!


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The Author’s Lounge

On a journey of 𝒔𝒆𝒍𝒇-𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒖𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒛𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏. I write about transformation and self-empowerment. ✨️