The Secret


Michael Vorhis
The Author’s Lounge
1 min readMar 12, 2024


Photo by Elyas Pasban on Unsplash

She’s angry, she’s furious, caught in the chaos

Addicted to running, consumed with avoidance

She’s tired of all of these loud, insane noises

She closes her eyes, she sees blossoms and daffodils

Bullets rain down on a solder in battle

His spirit is crushed, and his faith has been rattled

The rifle is ready to fire at anything moving or creeping somewhere in the shadows

The CEO has all the money he needs

But he murdered a boy for his feverish dreams

Now he sits in a mansion, adorned in his blood-guilt

Remembering playgrounds and sandcastle fortresses

We thought the grownups were hiding a secret,

But kids are the ones who protect it and keep it

We’re so clumsily fumbling towards lumosity

Caught in the grips of a terrible odyssey

Hearing the speeches, the sermons, and talks

But the lessons we learned are worth nothing at all

I guess maybe it’s time we forgot how to walk

Thank you for reading.



Michael Vorhis
The Author’s Lounge

Born and raised in California, USA. Freethinker. Lover of words. Someday, I hope to live and write in peace.