Understanding Red Flags in Friendships — When Enough is Enough

The Author’s Lounge
4 min readFeb 15, 2024


made by author using copilot

In the last thirty years I’ve come to realize that not all friendships are meant to last forever, and that’s okay. Recognizing red flags can help us understand which friendships might need a bit of extra care and which ones we might need to let go of for our own well-being.

1. The One-Way Street

Ever noticed that some friends are only around when they need something? A shoulder to cry on, advice, ranting about the guy who ghosted after one shitty days, or even just your time and energy.

When the tables turn and you need something, they’re suddenly too busy. A blatant lack of reciprocity leaves you feeling drained and undervalued. I get it — I’ve been friends with a cold-hearted narcissist for most of my life, and it’s fucking exhausting (there’s more to that story, a whole lot more, but that’s for later).

Stable friendships have to be about mutual support and care, not one-sided effort.

2. Constant Criticism Disguised as Honesty

Honesty is a cornerstone of any healthy relationship. However, there’s a thin line between being honest and being a bitch.

If a ‘friend’ constantly criticizes you under the guise of “just being honest” or “tough love,” it…



The Author’s Lounge

I write whatever comes to mind| Founding editor of The Author's Lounge| I like puppies and sunshine|