Who Said it Best — Hitler or Trump?

The Author’s Lounge
6 min readFeb 16, 2024


A disturbing collection of quotes and ideologies — do humans ever learn?

I’ve seen a lot of comments lately regarding Hitler, Trump, and the rest of the conservative party — mostly drawing comparisons between them.

It’s disturbing, to say the least, that anyone on either side of the political fence would make public comments in the style of Adolf Hitler — you know, the mass murderer.

But here we are, inside a nation embracing violent nationalism, watching a high percentage of our population stand in awe of men who preach power over people, rather than elevating human life over everything else.

I did a deep dive into the creepy speeches of Hitler himself, scouring his hateful rantings, digging through his manifesto — which, by the way, led to a few sleepless nights. What a fucked up dude, really. Then, I did the same amount of digging into the Evangelical-conservative right, and the similarities were nauseating.

Let’s see what I found.

‘The surrender of one’s arms would be nothing less than the beginning of enslavement’

We’re kicking off with this gem — and since we’re in the midst of a two-sided battle over gun-control, it’s a fitting quote.

But who said it?



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