Book Review: Mental by Jaime Lowe

Elizabeth Willis
The Avid Reader
Published in
2 min readOct 2, 2017


Lithium, love, and losing one’s mind are three L’s with which Jaime Lowe has grown quite familiar. In her new book Mental, Lowe weaves a tale of manic episodes, affected relationships, and a long search to understand the stardust that has served her so many years: Lithium.

Lithium’s history of serving manic depressives is as interesting as Lowe’s history taking it, until she is told that her savior drug is actually killing her kidneys. She embarks on an homage for Li, traveling as far as Bolivia to soak in its healing pools and Italy to meet the doctors who championed the drug. The choice she is left to make? Staying on Lithium and remaining sane (as one can be), but killing her kidneys, or switching medications and possibly reacting with another manic episode.

Lowe’s brave journey and fierce story-telling abilities take you inside the mind of a manic and show the downfalls in a healthcare system that does not regard metal illness as belonging to the same realm as physical illness.

It’s thrilling, scary, and empowering to watch Lowe gain her footing in a body and mind left to the elements after sexual assault. Don’t miss this book’s debut on October 3rd.

— Grace Williamson, Avid Bookshop

